Abdalgader Abubaker
Welcome to my website! I am currently a Senior AI Engineer at Technology Innovation Institute (TII). Before joining TII, I hold the same role at Kera Health Platform startup. Previously, I worked as an AI resident for Meta AI, where I was a part of the Modern Recommendation System team under supervision of Dr. Vassilis Plachouras, and I worked as ML research associate at LIVIA, École de Technologie Supérieure (ÉTS). During my MSc, I intered at Mila-Quebec AI Institute under the supervision of Prof. Samira Ebrahimi Kahou as my main thesis adviser and Prof. Doina Precup. Besides, I’m affilated lecturer at Pure Mathematics Department, University of Khartoum.My broad research interests drives toward the development of intelligent machine systems and generative AI. Previously, I was focusing towards the theory and practical applications of self-supervised learning on the context of graphs and Graph Neural Networks (GNNs).